Thank you for shopping with TIGHT CURL BEAUTY CO.
Unfortunately, we are not currently accepting returns or exchanges.
**If you have received an incorrect item, you must notify us within 24 hours from the date your order was received via email for a request ticket. **
Unfortunately, we are not currently accepting returns or exchanges.
**If you have received an incorrect item, you must notify us within 24 hours from the date your order was received via email for a request ticket. **
U.S.A.: TIGHT CURL BEAUTY CO. ships to addresses in the fifty United States, excluding P.O. Boxes
All shipping options and rates are automatically calculated at checkout.
Please allow 1-3 business days to process and prepare your order for shipment. All order ship Tuesday and Thursday of each week. Please note, that all sales are final. Prior to placing your order, please ensure that your order is correct. Unfortunately, our team cannot edit any orders once it is processed.
We know things happen. Unfortunately, we are not responsible for lost or stolen orders. Please email us and make us aware, however we strongly recommend for customers to file a claim with the shipping carrier.
Please contact Customer Care at and we will gladly assist you.
TIGHT CURL BEAUTY CO. does not process exchanges or returns at this time.